S.No |
Name of the Articles |
Total |
1. |
Text books |
7500 |
2. |
Reference books |
257 |
3. |
No of journals |
27 |
4. |
No of Encyclopedia |
48 |
5. |
Dictionary |
80 |
6. |
No. of Magazines |
1. All Bonafide students of PSCE in possession of the identity card are entitled to use library facilities. Library maintains record of all users who avail the facilities of the centre.
2. Absolute silence is maintained in Library; no discussions are allowed inside the center. Chatting, sleeping and damaging of the resources/books are punishable.
3. Students can access the Stack Section only during the fixed hours.
4. Resources of Reference Section are given out for a short duration only with the explicit permission of Librarian.
5. It is the responsibility of in-charge student to re-shelve the books on the racks. Users are not allowed to do the same by themselves.
6. All working days 09:00 am to 05:30 pm
7. A user may borrow a maximum of two books at a time.
8. A book is issued for a period of one week to PSCE students. Provided no one else had demanded the same book, it could be re-issued again only for a week.
9. For the staff a book could be issued for a period of two weeks, which could be re-issued for a period of two more weeks, if no else demands it.
10. A book will be entitled for home-reading, only when there are at least 2 copies.
11. Any expensive book (that is beyond Rs.500) will not be given for home-reading lies available in the library.
12. A fine will be collected from users who fail to return the books on due dates. Repeated offenders will not be allowed in Library.
13. In case of damage to the books/resources, the person responsible will have to pay for a fresh copy of the same and also a fine, fixed by Librarian.
14. No resources/books shall be retained with the students during vacations.
15. All books and resources shall be returned to the library before the commencement of vacations.
Computer cum Language Laboratory are facilitated with 40 computers managed with a server, LAN and WAN networks with 8 hours power back-up, offline resources for language, personality development, movies and education (100 Tamil and English CD-ROMs). All the 100 student-teachers are divided into 2 groups and each group is trained in rotation in handling the MS-office, preparation of learning packages and downloading on-line materials.
The institution equipped with 40 computers with headphones, 100 Tamil, English, Mathematics, Science, History, Commerce and soft skills CD-ROMs. The student-teachers are encouraged to use the ICT materials for their individual learning and to develop teaching-learning materials for the internship.
RULES AND REGULATIONS - Computer Laboratory
• The backbone of PSCE has a well-equipped computer lab.
• The students could avail the Internet facility on demand. They need to book in advance for availing this facility on a first come first served basis.
• The students should enter the lab only during their practical class. Apart from the allotted time, if a student wants to access the lab, he/she has to get a written permission from the principal.
• A written permission from the principal is required to install new software in the system.
• Students are not allowed to take print outs without prior permission.
• Students are not allowed to enter the lab with the footwear.
• The stools/keyboard/mouse/interactive console should be put back in order after use.
• Strict silence has to be observed by the students in the lab.
• If there is any problem with the facilities, immediate reporting to -principal must be done. Students are discouraged from solving the problem independently.
• Students can not delete or modify any file/files or directory/directories installed.
• No computer games from any source, either hard disk, floppy, CD-ROM, Internet, etc. at any time in the lab.
• Students should not view, print, copy or download photography and phonographic materials in any form.
• Unauthorized Study material. CDs, Pen drives etc. are not allowed into the lab. The students are allowed to save their work in the server only.
• The students from their systems shall delete no files.